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Notes from Meeting:

Phillis is from Canada

  • Husband is Mecadonian from Northern Greece
  • He is Eastern Orthodox
  • She found us through Stephen & Jana
  • Loves ceremics, gardening & prayer
  • Been married 56 years!

Ruby is in Las Angelas California

  • Lives as ex-homeless
  • 64 years old
  • FEMA took care of them
  • She has a Verizon Tower outside of her window (pray for safety from radiation)
  • She lives in an apartment building for ex-homeless people, thus she is surrounded by drug addicts, mentally ill, etc. Please pray for her to be used by God without fear.
  • She has been divorced 3 times and has much wounding from men who abused her. Pray for her to be healed and on the right path of healing.
  • Let's all agree that she will hear the voice of God for her future

Those were the new ones. The other ones shared what's happened since last week.

1 Comment

MsRhuby about 1 month ago

I'm healed! I'm an overcomer!

It's MsRhuby

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