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Dr. Alyson - Dentist from Ohio

  • Has 2 kids - very talented kids who are homeschooled
  • She is very tired from moving to new house, homeschool started, etc. Please pray for her rest and restoration.
  • She talked about Revelation 1:5-6 that God has made us kings and priests!
  • She said that she loves canning, being a mother and wife, and camping

Martha - Chattanooga, TN

  • Single
  • Has a beautiful big home but really feeling God calling her to downsize to smaller home near like-minded people. She's around a lot of ungodly people, etc. (Please pray for wisdom from God.)
  • She has worked for 24 years for Insurance & Banking Company
  • She has been fighting with her mother (strained relationship) for over a year. When we did the 3-day fast, God pricked her heart to make it right with her mother. (Please pray for wisdom, healing, & restoration.)

Tracy from Michigan

  • Has 2 children & 3 grandchildren
  • Single
  • Has health issues (pray for healing)
  • She feels God is calling her to another city (pray for boldness to go and obey God)

Alma - Dallas Ft. Worth Area TX

  • Used to be a correctional officer and now she does adult probation
  • Has seen alot (like Crystal) and is transitioning to another career (please pray for wisdom and favor)
  • Has 3 kids and just had a miscarriage (pray for healing of heart and body)

Francis from Long Beach, CA

  • Heavily involved in deliverance ministries
  • She works for a Southern California Gas Company

Dawn & Doug from Ontario, Canada

  • Live 2 hours from Niagara Falls 
  • Has watched us since 2020 from Stephen Benoon
  • Loves to take pictures, do wood work
  • She is 58 years old

Dorothy from Tampa Florida

  • Moved there in 2020
  • 8 grandkids and 3 great-grandkids and 3 kids - son killed in 2022 and has 2 daughters left
  • She is 78 years old
  • The 3-day fast is the most awesomest fast she's ever had!
  • She's been following me since 2019.

Vicki from Boca Raton, Florida

  • Has 2 sons & 1 daughter, 5 grandkids and granddaughter is 16
  • Likes riding her bike on the beach

Yvonne - (Clicky)

  • Is the lady doing the refuge in the Ozark Mountains
  • Trying to acquire 2 separate properties - one is 15 acres and other is 900 acres
  • Go to for one business she does
  • She's looking for 3 more $25k investors for her plan
  • The people who come there can get 1/4 acre of land and seeds for $500 a month on a month-to-month contract
  • Or $350 to visit
  • It will be setup like a community with community building for crafts for children, etc.

Others who talked last week spoke and gave reports.


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